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Day care starts operations at KUKA site

Augsburg, October 28, 2013. On Tuesday, November 5, 2013, KUKA will officially open the Orange Care day care center at its site in Augsburg. Children, day care workers, parents, association members and representatives from KUKA, the press and the city of Augsburg will join in the celebrations. The doors to the day care will open to all visitors at 3:30 p.m., following the festivities. Parents interested in enrolling their children can have a look around and learn more about the day care center concept and how to apply. There are still some spaces available at the present time.

28 October 2013

Open house on November 5
In October, the first children began to settle into the day care, half a year after the sod turning.  "Right now, we still have a few spaces left," says day care center manager Bettina Geißler, "but interested Augsburg parents should submit their applications as soon as possible, because they are going fast." She is also looking for one more day care worker to complete her team.
Die Eröffnung der Orange-Care Kindergrippe
In total, six day care workers and caregivers look after the children at the center. Opening hours are from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. and parents have the option of leaving their children from three to ten hours during this time. The day care workers prepare fresh snacks for the little ones and KUKA's plant cafeteria provides children's meals at lunch. Bettina Geißler and her team are currently looking after thirty children aged six months to three years.  The facility has a total area of 480 square meters and there is lots of space to play, romp and rest. 

The day care center is financed by Orange Care e. V., a charitable organization founded by KUKA employees that supports people in need, especially young people and families. 

The day care center is meant to serve all Augsburg parents.

KUKA AG owns the day care center.

We opened the Orange Care center to help parents balance their careers and family

Dr. Siegfried Schwung, organization´s chairman Orange Care e. V.

We endorse the association's initiative and were happy to construct the facility. I am glad that we have been able to make a further contribution toward helping people balance their careers and family

Dr. Till Reuter, CEO KUKA AG
Interested parents can register for the open house with day care center manager Bettina Geißler. Her e-mail address is and her telephone number is 0821 / 797 – 1575. For further information about Orange Care e. V., please go to

About Orange Care e. V.

Orange Care e. V. is an association established by KUKA employees that aims to help the needy. It focuses especially on supporting young people and families.


Orange Care e. V. 
(c/o KUKA Aktiengesellschaft) 
Zugspitzstrasse 140
86165 Augsburg

Phone: 0821 797-5292
Fax: 0821 797-5393