Robotic Republic: an ecosystem that makes automation flexible and easy for everyone
The Robotic Republic is a multi-vendor ecosystem that offers all the components of high-performance robot applications on an open platform. KUKA's ecosystem is characterized by a rapidly growing range of hardware and software components. This allows you to put together individual automation packages that are safe, compatible, and ready for use.
The Robotic Republic is perfect way to future-proof industrial automation.
Highest compatibility – maximum safety
In the Robotic Republic, all components are compatible with each other. KUKA certification also guarantees compliance with all safety standards, e.g. in the areas of human-robot collaboration and IT security. KUKA's ecosystem offers continuously expanding hardware and software tools that are ready for immediate use upon delivery.
The Robotic Republic is developing into a global network of experienced automation experts and robotics newcomers, software and process developers, and other partners.