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With the KUKA.SafeOperation software, you reduce the space requirements of your system and make your production operations fast, safe and compact. It enables you to exploit the cell configuration options and the possibilities of human-robot collaboration more cost-effectively.

Functional principle of KUKA.SafeOperation

KUKA.SafeOperation combines the latest safety-relevant software and hardware components. You simultaneously define and monitor the workspaces and protected spaces.

In this way, you can dispense with mechanical monitoring of the workspaces. Moreover, you reduce the cycle times.

KUKA.SafeOperation supports safe and efficient cooperation by means of human-robot collaboration (HRC). Safe operational stop can be used in manual loading stations, for example, to reduce the distance to the operator.

With the KUKA.SafeOperation software, you can reduce your cycle times.

KUKA.SafeOperation in use at Audi

The KUKA.SafeOperation software at Audi in Ingolstadt

Monitoring spaces with KUKA.SafeOperation

The emphasis is on safety. The software package provides up to 16 monitoring spaces and a fixed cell area for safe reduction of the theoretical workspace – the definition of these monitoring spaces determines the response of the robot.

Each area can be defined individually. Choose between Cartesian and axis-specific definition. A further distinction is made between these types of space:

  • Workspace
  • Protected space
  • Alarm protected space (non-stopping)
  • Alarm workspace (non-stopping)
  • Cell area (non-switchable)

Use the safety-rated software functions:

  • Secure configuration by means of authorization via password or USB key
  • Monitoring of up to 16 configurable spaces and fixed cell area
  • Monitoring of axis velocities and accelerations
  • Monitoring of Cartesian velocities
  • Dynamic activation of monitoring functions via inputs
  • Safe signaling function for monitoring spaces via up to 16 outputs
  • Consideration of up to 16 robot tools
  • Safe operational stop of individual axes and axis groups
  • Automatic mastering and brake test


The functions are supported by the Ethernet safety interface (ProfiSafe, CIP Safety, FSoE). Additionally, KUKA offers the discrete safety interface X11/X13 Safe Operation for less extensive configurations.

The KUKA.SafeOperation software is used in a wide range of applications, such as dry ice blasting or adhesive bonding.

Software monitoring of the cell area

The cell area defines the position of the safety fence in the cell:

  • The cell area is configured as a convex polygon with three to ten corners.
  • A configured cell area is permanently and safely monitored.
  • The tool on the mounting flange of the robot is modeled using up to six user-defined spheres. If the robot moves, these spheres also move.
  • The spheres are monitored against the cell area and only move within this area.
  • If a sphere touches the limits of the cell area, the robot stops safely.
With the KUKA.SafeOperation software, you limit and monitor the workspaces.

Use the KUKA.SafeOperation software to reduce the theoretical workspace of the robot using the configured workspaces or protected spaces.

Your advantages: you reduce the space requirements of the system. Safeguards are only required for this reduced actual area.

System requirements for KUKA.SafeOperation

  • Robot controller KR C4 

  • KUKA System Software 8.1


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