

KUKA Medical Robotics team

KUKA has a special business unit focusing on medical robotics. The team offers medical device manufacturers a range of services covering research and development, sales, quality, marketing and support and can draw on almost three decades of experience in the field of medical technology.

Working in partnership 

The collaboration begins with joint workshops. In these workshops, the requirements and options relating to the planned medical device are discussed so that the most suitable system can be developed for doctors and patients. Once this has been achieved, medical device manufacturers have the opportunity to evaluate the most suitable robot for their circumstances and create a prototype of their medical solution. KUKA facilitates this process with robot training courses and a tailored technical support team. This team is also on hand during the further development of the medical device to help them configure a suitable robot, controller and software.

This tailored support during the development phase has enabled KUKA to establish itself as one of the world’s leading supplier of robotic components through its expertise. For almost 30 years now, KUKA robotic systems have been successfully integrated into the products of numerous medical technology companies worldwide.

Find out more about our business model

Development, high precision, maintenance and design: KUKA meets the requirements for the development processes of medical robots. Our customers are responsible for developing systems for medical use.

Expertise in medical robotics

  • Experience in the medical sector

    The Medical Robotics team has been marrying expertise in robotics with the requirements of medical technology for almost three decades.

  • Support during the approval process

    Drawing on our years of experience, we support our customers on their way to market through CE, CFDA and FDA approval processes.
  • Software designed for medical applications

    Specially certified LBR Med software and suitable interfaces facilitate seamless integration into medical systems.
  • Technical language expertise

    We are fully versed in specialist topics and regulatory requirements relating to medical devices and are successful at merging the fields of robotics and medicine.

Service expertise

  • Putting the customer first

    The team’s experts work with customers to develop content and processes for customized solutions that support physicians and benefit patients.
  • Quick productization

    Certified LBR Med robots and exclusive customer support enable our customers to turn a prototype into a final product quickly.
  • Holistic support

    KUKA supports medical technology companies throughout the entire life cycle of the medical device, from the initial idea to after-sales management, maintenance and service.
  • Made in Germany

    Medical products developed on the basis of KUKA robotics are characterized by high quality and award-winning design – made in Germany. 

LBR Med robot training courses

KUKA offers its customers special training courses for robots used in medical technology.



為了更好地評估可持續性,最好是審視從原材料開採到回收利用的整個過程。為此,在未來,我們必須早在規劃生產設備的階段就制定出回收設計方案。KUKA 綜觀整個產品生命週期,並就如何提高永續性提供全面建議。早在系統的規劃階段,我們就著眼於高效的元件,在運作階段這些元件的備品和易損件需求不僅盡可能要低,其能源需求和維護成本也要低,最長使用壽命或再利用(二次生命)。如此,我們客戶的裝備就能以最佳狀態迎接未來。

  • 回收設計方案


  • 原材料


  • 永續性


    但永續性遠不止於此。生產的整體永續性如何?使用的產品的節能效率如何?設備的碳中和程度如何?KUKA 在這方面提供適合的解決方案和設計方案,使生產基地的設計適合未來發展。

  • 氣候



Technical service and other services

my.KUKA: Your digital customer portal for accessing robot data, medical device development requirements, spare part and robot orders, license management and much more. All of this in a single user-friendly self-service interface.

3D Virtual Showroom

Virtually experience the wide range of applications of integrated robots in medical devices.

KUKA medical robotics under the microscope