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Automated modular house building

Through automated modular home construction, we are shifting much of the production of homes to the factory. This new way of building reduces construction time, cuts costs, provides answers to pressing questions about the shortage of skilled workers, and opens up new prospects for greater sustainability.

Automation is our DNA

KUKA is a leading global engineering solutions provider and manufacturer of flexible and highly innovative robot-based production systems and manufacturing solutions. From individual machines, components, robots and robotic cells to complex production and assembly lines. With a company history spanning more than 100 years, KUKA has always been an agile driver of innovation in automation, driving change with experience and know-how.


KUKA has been dealing with processes and challenges in the construction industry for several years and has built up specific know-how in house construction in its own research and development projects. In order to offer an economical and effective alternative to conventional construction in automated house building, an unprecedented vertical range of manufacture was targeted, which in diverse new processes and technologies enable a paradigm shift in automated house building. 

KUKA provides solutions to the global demand for affordable housing - automated modular house construction offers opportunities for efficient builds while reducing construction time and costs.

The global initial problem of affordable housing

Rising rents and, for many, unaffordable owner-occupied homes - that is the global status quo of the real estate market in recent years. According to the OECD, one third of the world's population is overburdened by housing costs, meaning they spend more than 40 percent of their income on housing alone. In Europe and Germany, too, the situation continues to worsen. There is a shortage of affordable housing in all regions of Europe. Since 2021, the construction industry has also been suffering from increasing supply and staffing problems. Worldwide crises, global conflicts, rising prices and problems in the supply chains continue to affect the construction industry. The further increase in demand for housing cannot be met by the conventional way of building. 

There is a global shortage of housing.

Automated modular home building provides answers to questions in the traditional construction industry

Modern automation technology from KUKA makes modular house construction just as flexible as traditional construction methods and opens new possibilities.

Automated modular home construction

  • Creates affordable housing

  • Counters the shortage of skilled workers

  • Gives young people new prospects

  • Increases quality

  • Shortens construction time

  • Enables compliance with increasingly complex building regulations and standards 

Shifting production to the factory of the future.

The potential of automation is enormous

With our knowledge of processes, automation and plant engineering, we transfer the expertise gained over decades in one of the most automated industries in the world, the automotive industry, to the construction industry. The automotive industry thus serves us as a blueprint for the construction industry.
  • Automotive industry ‒ EARLIER

    The introduction of assembly line production in 1913 significantly reduced the lead time for producing a car.
  • Modular house building ‒ TODAY

    Modulare house building is still in its infancy in terms of automation. The goal is clear: towards efficency and shorter production times.
  • Automotive industry ‒ TODAY

    Despite the increasing complexity of vehicles, modern flexible automation means that a vehicle is completed every minute.

Shaping change through innovation and know-how together with KUKA

KUKA factories

We are able to build and operate new factories for automated modular home construction.

Flexibility in concept

Automated house construction is variable. KUKA implements projects based on a wide range of materials such as wood or steel.

High output versus low cost

KUKA fully automated modular home building system enables a high number of order fulfillments at a low cost, which has a positive impact on affordable housing.

Short completion times, low financing costs

The total construction time is shortened by approx. 40% depending on the project. Above all, the time on the construction site is significantly reduced.

Relocation of the construction site to the factory with know-how from KUKA

Higher effectivity, unprecedented quality, improved working conditions and sustainability in construction - by applying the highest energy standards and using fewer resources. Modern automation in the construction industry represents a social milestone.
  • Framing

    Automation frames and builds walls, ceilings, and floors as a basis for all modules. The basic structure can be made of various materials.

  • Walls ready to be built

    The frames are developed for further assembly. The result is finished insulated walls and floors, which already include the electrical and plumbing systems.

  • Quality is standard

    Each individual module is subjected to a defined quality control and legally required inspections are carried out.

  • Foundation

    While the foundation is built at the construction site - under optimal conditions and weather-independent - the modules are already being manufactured in the factory.

  • Installation

    The modules are installed directly on site. Depending on the size of a project, this process is completed in a few days or weeks, which significantly reduces construction time and noise.

  • Modular building

    Modular building is as flexible as conventional and can reduce the construction time dramatically and create many cost-saving opportunities.

  • Creating spaces

    As with the production of the body of a car, the individual assemblies are combined to form a room and the later product is recognizable in its form.


  • Creating rooms

    Whether kitchen or bathroom, bedroom or living room - module interiors are finished to the last detail.

  • Conventional construction

    There is a shortage of affordable housing in all regions of the world. Conventional house building cannot meet this challenge alone. According to the OECD, many people with low income are overburdened by housing costs, i.e., they spend majority of their income on housing.

  • Material delivery

    All raw materials for multiple construction projects are delivered to a central location. Materials transportation and carbon footprint are reduced.


  • Delivery

    The finished modules are delivered just in time to the construction site at a stage of completion of over 80 percent.

Sustainability advantage for the construction industry of the future

We shape change through innovation and know-how. This shortens construction time by up to 70% at a quarter lower overall cost by reducing material and labor costs. At the same time, the highest quality standards are met and efficiency houses become a truly affordable standard. Production in the factory is more resource-efficient in all respects. A high degree of automation with high precision and effectiveness has a positive effect on costs, time and sustainability. In addition, the rework rate is reduced from 12% to less than 3%. 

The sustainability promise of KUKA

We understand sustainability as responsible, entrepreneurial action for long-term, economic success. Sustainability is an element of our corporate strategy that contributes to business success. In doing so, we support the protection of the environment through the careful use of natural resources. We maintain fair and respectful dealing with our employees, suppliers and business partners and actively assume our social responsibility. The core elements of our business activities also include complying with applicable laws at all times and in all places, respecting fundamental ethical values, and acting sustainably.

The KUKA portfolio of automated modular house building

Modern, flexible automation enables production under optimum conditions and ensures continuous and seamless quality control, resulting in a low single-setting rework rate. Intelligent software ensures flexibility and thus individuality with high effectiveness instead of colorless uniform architecture.

With KUKA, you get automated, modular house construction from a single source - for every application purpose

  • Sustainable and resource-saving construction

  • In urban and rural areas

  • High design standards

  • High energy efficency  standard

  • State-of-the-art technical equipment

  • Health and care

  • Education and institutions

  • Hotel and restaurant industry

  • Housing

Learn more about KUKA in the housing industry