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Strategy of KUKA

KUKA sets trends in robot-based automation. Trends which will change the future.

KUKA moves in a highly dynamic, innovation-driven market environment, which is being continuously redefined. The increasing digitization of production and the cooperative networking of human workers and machines are set to change the world of work fundamentally. The focal point of the factory of the future is the human worker, with the robot as the decisive component.

Robot-based automation is a megatrend.
In order to benefit from global trends and to make optimum use of in-house expertise, the Group is concentrating on expanding its innovative and technological leadership by targeting fast-growing global markets and continuing to work on efficient structures.
The goal of the strategy is to become the leading global solution provider for robot-based automation in profitable markets with high growth rates. It is about achieving sustainable company success through profitable growth and increasing the enterprise value.

Expansion of innovative and technological leadership

KUKA stands for innovation in automation. As a leading supplier of industrial robots and automated production solutions throughout Europe, KUKA and its products are directly involved in the fourth industrial revolution – Industrie 4.0. It is only with high-performance, efficient, flexible and above all safe production systems that automation concepts can be created which offer prospects for the future and take account of the needs of production employees.

Even today, KUKA has already achieved important building blocks for implementing Industrie 4.0:

  • Safe robot systems for human-robot collaboration
  • Mobility with integrated navigation
  • Modular control for connecting to the world of IT

Furthermore, KUKA is working with customers and partners on business models for the utilization and implementation of Industrie 4.0.

Sensitive and mobile robot systems open up entirely new possibilities in production.

Diversification of business operations in new markets and regions

KUKA is a market leader in the automotive industry. But there are also many opportunities for growth outside the automotive sector in general industry.

The general industry markets addressed by KUKA, such as e-commerce, consumer goods or electronics, are characterized above all by high growth rates and earnings potential.

In its strategy, KUKA focuses on expanding these new markets. The company aims to take advantage of regional growth potential, especially in the high-growth countries of Asia and North America. The strategies which have already been successfully implemented in Europe are also to be extended to these markets.

Vor allem in Märkten wie E-Commerce, Consumer Goods und Electronics ergeben sich Wachstumschancen.
In its strategy, KUKA is concentrating on expanding new markets and regions.

Continuous establishment of sustainable and efficient cost structures 

For several years now, KUKA has been reviewing its internal processes within the framework of a long-term efficiency and improvement program. This program is oriented towards profitable growth which is founded on efficient organization of the company and sustainable alignment of products and processes with customer requirements, and on quality and efficiency.
To support profitable growth, we are pushing ahead with various measures in the Operational Excellence area.