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KUKA.MixedReality: augmented reality for robots

Augmented reality (AR) optimizes user-friendliness in robot operation. KUKA.MixedReality makes it considerably easier to start up a new robot. The software supports clear, fast and safe start-up via smartphone app.

AR application for robot installation

The KUKA.MixedReality Assistant visualizes the environment of the robot cell with digital information on smartphones or tablets. In combination with the associated technology package KUKA.MixedReality Safe, the software enables particularly fast and safe start-up and integration of a robot into the existing processes using a mobile end device. The visualization speeds up the process of setting up workspaces with KUKA.SafeOperation. Robot paths, tools and fault geometries can be validated quickly and safely. This makes working with the robot more efficient and safer.

IIoT: easy to use, for any industrial requirement 

KUKA iiQoT is characterized by an expandable software architecture. Individual modules are stored on the IIoT platform, which can be supplemented customer-specifically at any time. This makes it easy to find one's way around and provides valuable functions depending on industrial application needs. All the advantages and possibilities at a glance: 
  • Fault finding and troubleshooting

    • Notification of problems
    • Saving time during fault finding
    • Increasing availability
  • Optimization of the fleet

    • Management of systems and machines
    • Checking safety
    • Robot maintenance
  • Clear and quick overview

    • Transparency across the entire robot fleet thanks to IIoT technologies
    • Remote maintenance outside the production halls
    • Access to all required data from all devices
  • Clear and quick overview

    • Transparency across the entire robot fleet thanks to IIoT technologies
    • Remote maintenance outside the production halls
    • Access to all required data from all devices

Safe and fast robot installation with AR software

Augmented reality application for mobile devices

KUKA.MixedReality Assistant makes your robot’s data visible comprehensively and intuitively on your smartphone or tablet. The augmented reality software connects the virtual world to the real world. This enables the user to see the robot cell – virtual information is additionally superposed live.

Augmented reality application for industrial production: Functions

  • Graphical representation of Cartesian monitoring spaces
  • Graphical representation of safety-oriented tools & tool spheres
  • Graphical representation of violated monitoring spaces
  • Display of configuration parameters for Cartesian monitoring spaces
  • Display of configuration parameters for safety-oriented tools & tool spheres

Technology package for safe cell configuration with AR

The add-on technology package KUKA.MixedReality Safe supplements the KUKA.MixedReality Assistant app. It provides robot data and configurations from KUKA.SafeOperation – on a mobile device in the context of the real environment. The AR software enables companies to use simplified visualization of the protected spaces and workspaces during initial start-up of a cell. In this way, potential hazards are detected at an early stage and eliminated even before the robot physically commences work. This makes start-up not only safer, but also significantly faster than before.

Overview of KUKA.MixedReality: required components and preconditions

KUKA.MixedReality is characterized by particularly simple setup and operation. During development, we have ensured that as little additional hardware as possible is required for use. Furthermore, the augmented reality app is available free of charge in the App Store and on Google Play.
  • KUKA.MixedReality Assistant

    The free augmented reality app KUKA.MixedReality Assistant is available for Android (from 12.0 with AR core) and iOS (from 14.0) on the common platforms for smartphones and tablets.
  • Robots

    All KUKA robots operated with KUKA.SystemSoftware (KSS) are compatible with KUKA.MixedReality.
    KR C4, VKR C4 and KR C5 robot controllers can be used with the AR application.
  • smartPAD

    The robot is controlled as usual via the smartPAD.

  • Technology package

    In order to use KUKA.MixedReality, companies must purchase a technology package.
    KUKA.MixedReality Safe ensures fast and safe robot start-up. To use it, KUKA.SafeOperation must also be installed.
  • Connection

    Scan the QR code in the robot cell or on the robot itself with your smartphone to synchronize the app with the real environment.
    All relevant data are sent by the robot via WLAN using a router or access point (not a KUKA product).

Test KUKA.MixedReality Assistant free of charge

Are you still unsure whether the augmented reality application KUKA.MixedReality is right for your company? Simply download the free app on your mobile and try it out in demo mode. In this way, you can test the software without acquiring a technology package first. You do not need a robot to try out the app. Download now from the App Store or Google Play and get started!

Mixed reality – the way forward in robotics

Digital representation of elements based on the principle of mixed reality is becoming increasingly common in Industrie 4.0. This is primarily due to the fact that the number of robots in companies is continually increasing, which means that start-up has to be as simple and fast as possible.
By combining real and virtual elements, the mixed reality simulation enables users to visualize relevant information and better understand the behavior of the robot. Test runs for installation and troubleshooting can be made safer and more cost-effective.
However, the trend towards mixed reality is often hampered by the fact that specific end devices are necessary for using mixed reality software. As a result, the complex applications are often only used as prototypes. Systems that work flexibly and intuitively on the smartphone or tablet, on the other hand, are able to meet future requirements. For KUKA.MixedReality, you do not need AR glasses or other special devices. All you need to start up the robot quickly and safely is the corresponding mixed reality app on the mobile phone in combination with a technology package on the robot controller.
KUKA.MixedReality visualizes data on the smartphone or tablet. No AR glasses or other hardware are required.

Do you have any questions about our augmented reality application?

KUKA Customer Service will be happy to help you clarify all outstanding issues and to integrate the technology package into your individual business context. We look forward to your inquiry!