KUKA robot manufactures unusual wooden pavilion
With the help of a KUKA robot, a research project at the University of Stuttgart gave rise to a wooden pavilion that is characterized by its particular capabilities and efficient use of resources
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The unusual pavilion can be visited at the State Garden Festival in Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany until 12 October.
The idea of joining one of the oldest building materials known to humanity using cutting-edge technology – in this case a KUKA robot from the KR QUANTEC series for shaping the components – comes from the University of Stuttgart.
Together with Müllerblaustein Holzbau GmbH, Landesgartenschau Schwäbisch Gmünd 2014 GmbH, the Baden‐Württemberg State Forestry Service (ForstBW) and KUKA, the academics from the south-west of Germany wanted to show how architecturally innovative and, at the same time, particularly effective designs made from the regionally available and renewable construction material can be – and how efficiently they use resources as well.