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Laser hybrid welding

Laser hybrid welding combines the advantages of laser welding with those of arc welding. This welding process is becoming particularly established in shipbuilding, automotive production and rail vehicle construction.

Laser hybrid welding: the technology

The perfect combination: laser hybrid welding combines the advantages of laser welding with those of arc welding.

In this welding process, an advancing laser beam initially heats the surface of the workpiece to vaporization point. This results in deep and narrow penetration. The subsequent arc forms a wide focal spot.

Automated laser hybrid welding

You have a thick-walled component and wish to automate your production? If so, laser hybrid welding with the KUKA KS HybridTec end effector is the perfect choice. The innovative design enables optimal adaptation to the specific application – particularly due to its high flexibility and the integrated sensors.

KUKA laser hybrid welding portal for manufacturing of mobile crane booms with up to 18 meters length

Laser hybrid welding: the advantages

By combining the advantages, the hybrid technology avoids the disadvantages that the individual processes entail. Laser hybrid welding offers you:

  • Higher welding speeds
  • Improved seam quality
  • More stable processes
  • Lower thermal distortion or the component

Give us a call and benefit from the advantages of the combined process for your production operations. We are happy to advise you.

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Cartea albă: Sudarea aluminiului? Nici o problemă!

Aluminiul joacă un rol important în electromobilitate datorită combinației ideale de greutate redusă și rezistență. În procesele de sudare și îmbinare, aluminiul impune cerințe ridicate pentru tehnologiile utilizate. Cu un know-how de proces cuprinzător și produsele potrivite, KUKA vă pregătește pentru transformarea tehnologică către electromobilitate. Exemplul cutiei de baterii arată modul în care roboții fac posibilă producția de componente din aluminiu la cel mai înalt nivel de calitate.

Citiți ce este important în legătură cu sudarea aluminiului în electromobilitate.

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