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Corporate Compliance at KUKA

KUKA as a global company bears a responsibility for employees, customers, investors and society.

Corporate Compliance Program

KUKA developed its first Corporate Compliance Program back in 2007. The program is continually adapted to reflect our dynamic environment.
The Corporate Compliance Manual is a fundamental component of our compliance program and describes the contents. It contains the Key Compliance Principles, which represent the basic compliance values. It also contains the structure and contact details of the contact persons of the Compliance Organization worldwide.

Another important part is the 15 Group Compliance Policies, which are the cornerstones of our business activities.

The manual is intended as a guide for board members, management, executives, and employees as well as authorized representatives of KUKA worldwide on how to correctly conduct themselves.

The content is revised on a regular basis. In 2024, the Compliance Manual was given a new design that not only improves clarity but also gives the topic of compliance a fresh, modern look. In addition, the 13th Group Policy “Information/IT security and data protection” was updated in 2024.

Here you will find the current Compliance Manual.

Processes and actions

We use various processes and actions in order to achieve compliance together with all employees and external partners. Together, these form the Compliance Management System (CMS).
We have recorded the basic features of the CMS in writing; the documentation is available here. The corporate environment is constantly changing. The CMS documentation is thus a dynamic document. If there are any major changes, we will make the appropriate adjustments.



The basis for correct conduct is that we communicate clearly what conduct we expect. That’s why we conduct training courses in various formats worldwide.
Electronic training courses such as the Corporate Compliance e-learning program, which employees must complete on an annual basis, have proven their worth. Participation is mandatory.
Electronic training courses are supplemented by on-site training courses. These are usually scheduled for specific occasions and are aimed at different target groups.

Together for Corporate Compliance

We encourage both our employees and external partners to approach us with any questions and information relating to compliance.
A list of the KUKA Compliance Officers can be found on this page. Please send your request by e-mail to the person responsible for you. The Compliance Officers will respond to you within a reasonable time frame and treat your information with the utmost discretion.
In addition to direct contact with the Compliance Officers, you have other options for contacting us. You can find out what these are in detail on this page.