Sustainability report
With an annual sustainability report, KUKA informs its stakeholders about approaches and measures as well as data and facts concerning sustainabilty.
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With an annual sustainability report, KUKA informs its stakeholders about approaches and measures as well as data and facts concerning sustainabilty.
Na ochranu udržateľného rozvoja a zdravia zamestnancov spoločnosti KUKA pracujeme so systémami manažérstva kvality, ktoré zaručujú napríklad bezpečnosť zamestnancov na staveniskách. K tomu patrí aj rozsiahly manažment zdravia. Naše aktuálne certifikáty:
This British standard is the basis for the certification of management systems for occupational health and safety. OHSAS 18001 deals with the hazards and risks related to occupational health and safety.
The health and safety accreditation system CHAS is a certification scheme for the construction industry. It serves both purchasers and suppliers as a means of assessing the health and safety competence of a company.
ISO 45001 describes requirements for an occupational health and safety management system and instructions for implementation.
S naším systémom ekologického manažmentu, ako aj systémom energetického manažmentu sa staráme o to, aby druh, rozsah, vplyvy našich aktivít, produktov a služieb boli primerané. Preto nepretržite pracujeme na zlepšovaní tohto manažérskeho systému a predchádzame zaťažovaniu životného prostredia. Naše certifikáty udržateľnosti v tejto oblasti:
The international standard ISO 14001 defines the requirements for an environmental management system. It focuses on a continuous improvement process. ISO 14001 belongs to a set of standards which, among other things, deals with eco balance sheets, key environmental indicators as well as environmental performance evaluations.
The internationally recognized standard supports the establishment of systematic energy management as it relates to energy efficiency and CO2 emissions. KUKA has been operating an energy management system according to the ISO 50001 standard since 2016.
Aby sme mohli podnikať udržateľne, staviame aj tu na osvedčených systémoch manažmentu kvality. K našim certifikátom v tejto oblasti patria okrem iných:
This certification serves to confirm the reliable security of the international supply chain.
This set of standards deals with quality management systems and fosters mutual understanding at a national and international level.
As an automotive supplier, KUKA also has the independent VDA 6, Part 4 certification. This standard provides a means of furnishing proof that the requirements of the automotive industry are fulfilled in areas where no certification according to IATF16949 is currently possible.
This standard is intended to improve system and process quality as well as customer satisfaction. The focus is on discovering errors and deficiencies and not just preventing them.
This internationally recognized standard serves as a quality management system for the aerospace industry. EN/AS9100 is based on the ISO9001 certification.
There are also set quality management systems for the medical industry. The associated ISO13485 certification defines the requirements for the design and manufacture of medical products.
As a welding expert, this standard is also important for KUKA. It describes the quality requirements for manufacturers of fusion-welded components and assemblies.
This status allows us as a company to ship air cargo designated as “secure”.