Válassza ki a helyét:


Human rights

Even though our market environment is subject to dynamic changes worldwide, our fundamental ethical values and the associated in-house rules remain unchanged.

Honesty and respect for ethical principles as a core element of business. We promote a corporate culture that is characterized by ethical and law-abiding behavior and a common understanding of values. We respect human rights within our organization and demand abidance by the principles of fair competition.


Respect and protect Human Rights

We are committed to respecting and protecting international human rights. We expect our employees and business partners to adhere to our guidelines for the protection of human rights. Forced labor, child labor and trafficking are never acceptable in any shape or form.

Quality, efficiency, safety and correct behavior are important to us not only regarding products and services, but also in connection with the entire supply chain. Only the adherence to basic compliance standards as well as occupational safety and environmental protection along the entire supply and value chain can ensure the necessary trust for every business relationship.