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Small and medium-sized businesses also benefit from robots

Industrial robots become more accessible. As a result, they are successfully used in other industries, irrespective of the company size. VanessaWood, a company located in Stargard Gdański, specializing in wood and wood-based materials processing, is the example of the company which grows together with the KUKA robot.

VanessaWood integrates KUKA wood processing machines

Robotics were something normal already back then in Western Europe. In Poland - even though more popular - robots are still not a standard in many places. It is not the case at VanessaWood. Since October, the workshop of the company is equipped in the KUKA robot. Jarosław Radomski admits that he had been considering the purchase of the robot for a long time, wanting to transfer the  modern solutions he had the opportunity to learn during his stay in Belgium. Practical matters were also important.

- The robot does not need a cigarette break, and will not go on a sick leave because he was playing ships with me a day before -  Jaroslaw Radomski jokes. - Unfortunately, it is really difficult to find a good employee nowadays. In addition, a person can get sick, have a bad day, etc. The robot is always ready to work. Of course, you need to invest in it at the beginning, but it returns the moment you start operating it. Moreover, its actions are repeatable. First element is always the same as the last one. Human is not able to achieve such repeatability. This allows us to obtain totally different quality of products.

When I went abroad to earn money, I worked in a company where there the lights were turned off and only robots worked, I was really amazed. - recalls the co-founder of VanessaWood. Jarosław Radomski.

Wooden furniture manufacturer VanessaWood, a leader in innovative thinking

VanessaWood is the example of a Polish company, which has built its brand based on a clearly defined vision, involvement and hard work. The company has been operating since 2012. Together with his father, it is run by Jarosław Radomski, who takes care of the technological development of the company himself. Latest modernization of the company's workshop is the purchase and installation of the KUKA robot.

The owner of VanessaWood remembers that his first encounter with industrial robots was in 2010. It was even before the company VanessaWood  was established. Jarosław Radomski worked in Belgium at that time.


The company VanessaWood has its own carpentry shop together with the machine park in Stargard Gdański, Pomeranian Voivodeship. VanessaWood offers CNC wood processing and professional CAD designing. The company puts its money to sustainable development, focusing on renewable sources of energy. The company tests photovoltaic panels, which are scheduled for purchase in 2020.

The extensive portfolio of KUKA convinced VanessaWoods to collaborate

- I saw robots of many companies. I have to say I like the orange colour - he laughs -in general,  KUKA robots have a good reputation and  are recognized. They are considered reliable. The offer is wide. I was able to choose smaller robot, which is perfect for our workshops, as I am not going to pretend that we are a large company. The company has a long history, which speaks for itself. Also, servicing is good. I had a chance to check it as there were small bumps on the road at the beginning.

KR AGILUS in cooperation with lathe

Easy integration with KUKA wood processing machines

Jarosław Radomski integrated the robot he purchased by himself. He says that before he started this task, he took his time to learn. Training at the KUKA facility in Bydgoszcz was helpful. At the end, the owner of VanessaWood achieved is goal. Only after five days of independent integration (sic!), the KUKA robot was operated at the workshops of the company. Even though the robot can perform various tasks, it currently works with the lathe, being a part of an independent line coating the poles. Its tasks involve taking elements from the warehouse, feeding them for coating, and collecting finished pole and putting into the cardboard. Shortly speaking: the robot is the feeder and the collector.

As for now the robot fulfils this function perfectly. The efficiency of the workplace, to which it is integrated, increased by 300% (previously the workplace was operated by the employee. One shift allowed for loading one cardboard. Now we can load three cardboard of coated poles).

The company is not afraid of challenges. The goal is to gradually transform VanessaWood, with the help of KUKA, into a modern, robot-based company that relies on state-of-the-art solutions.

The robots are very reliable. Our customers are therefore very satisfied and want to continue to cooperate with us. During visits, they are always impressed by our robot.

Jarosław Radomski, owner of VanessaWood

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