اختر موقعك:


Human rights

Even though our market environment is subject to dynamic changes worldwide, our fundamental ethical values and the associated in-house rules remain unchanged.

Honesty and respect are ethical principles, which among others, are core element of our business. We foster a safe, ethical and lawful corporate culture, striving to support our customers to safely optimize processes through our automation solutions.

Respect and protect Human Rights 

We are committed to respect and protect human rights within our spere of influence, in accordance with legal legislation and guided by internationally recognised standards such as the UN Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, ILO Conventions.

Aligned with our corporate risk management, we pro-actively engage in an annual risk analysis (and ad-hoc if necessary). We scan our own operations and suppliers for human rights and environmental related risks and violations. This includes inherent industry risks such as work safety, general working conditions, discrimination. An integral part to our governance structure is our Human Rights Officers allocated to each business segment monitor and audit policies, processes, measures, effectiveness and documentation. They are a junction point to internal, external queries and reporting, including the board of managers.

We expect our employees and business partners to actively work against human rights violations and ensuring respect for human rights across our value chain globally. Our Code of Conduct for Business Partners  requests and encourages all stakeholders to support us to uphold our principles throughout including the reporting of any human rights or environmental concerns or violation they may encounter, utilizing our retaliation and toll-free reporting channels.



Declaration of Principles on Respect for and Protection of Human Rights