The need to simulate automation projects
“KUKA.Sim is a tool that will serve us well in the future,” says Amaury Claudin, project manager at CREI, an industrial machine manufacturer. Working in the mechanical design office, Amaury is required to work on his customers' projects from the receipt of specifications to the design and commissioning of the solution. He took an interest in KUKA.Sim simulation software to check that the results of his studies were in line with project requirements.
Use of the simulation software & features
The software was immediately put into practice, both for our own projects and to help other colleagues. By simulating an automation project in advance of its implementation, Amaury was able to validate the choice of robot, its positioning and the absence of collisions with its environment. Amaury was also able to reassure his customer by providing a cycle time corresponding to the specifications.
“Simulation reassures everyone: the robot can go anywhere in the allotted time, which is reassuring and satisfying,” says Amaury. Indeed, KUKA.Sim is not only a technical tool, but also a presentation one. For example, the design office claims to be able to use the simulation software as a presentation tool for feasibility studies.