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Robot heavy weights in simulation

Antonio Alipaz-Dicke works on robot systems at KUKA in Augsburg. The 27-year-old is employed there as a "Simulation and Sizing Developer" and creates virtual prototypes of large industrial robots.

Guest author
12 October 2023
Reading Time: 2 min.

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Antonio Alipaz-Dicke sits at the screen in front of the simulation of the Fortec 2 Ultra industrial robot. "The robot operates in the heavy-duty range with a payload of 800 kg," he explains. It is used in the automotive industry and other production areas where heavy parts have to be moved. The simulation model is visualized on the computer. The 27-year-old can control it virtually and run the programs with which the robot will complete its tasks in real life.

Antonio Alipaz-Dicke, engineer for robotics and autonomous systems: "We have a large number of robots and use cases that have to be mapped in the software. In some cases, there are no calculation functions yet for new developments; we are working on them."

On the screen, he replaces individual components such as transmissions and engines and tracks how this affects the processes. Customized software provides the calculations he evaluates. "We call this process design," he says. "It's about optimizing a simulation model to the customer's requirements for reach, payload and cycle times." He works as part of a team with eleven colleagues and in close coordination with other development departments. "Our task is to create a virtual prototype that meets customer requirements and makes economic sense."

Antonio Alipaz-Dicke will accompany the commissioning of the real prototype. "Many operating conditions cannot be predicted one hundred percent and covered in the simulation," he explains. "With the help of the measurement data from the reality test, I can improve the virtual prototype."

Read the full article on to find out what Antonio works on during his working hours and for how long, and how he came to robotics in the first place (German only). 

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