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The new way of building

There is a lack of affordable housing around the world. Conventional home construction cannot meet this challenge alone. KUKA is playing a decisive role in the solution with automated modular home construction.

Romy Schoenwetter
15. května 2024
Doba čtení: 2 minut

The list of advantages of automated modular construction is long. It ranges from higher efficiency and unparalleled quality to improved working conditions and sustainability in construction.

A specific example: construction time is shortened by up to 70 percent. Furthermore, the total cost is less by a quarter (compared to conventional building methods). Only the creation of the foundation and final assembly are carried out at the construction site.

KUKA is supplying the German-Austrian PropTech company for sustainable and serial construction with a turnkey and flexible system that can produce around 3500 residential units per year. © GROPYUS

Automated home construction is a key topic for the future with innovative drive, and one that KUKA is already implementing with customers – for example with a leading supplier for 3D modular home construction in England.

In 2024, for thefirst time in Germany, a flexible turnkey system will be completed in cooperation with a company for sustainable and serial construction. A special feature here is the AGV-based distribution center, which allows maximum flexibility for end customers. With a degree of automation of up to 86 percent, the new production line can produce a wall element in just 17 minutes. The infographic provides valuable insight. 

Automated modular house building

From the construction site to the factory

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