

KUKA guided factory tour

A look behind the scenes

Visiting Group information

Please fill out the following form so we can better plan and organize your guided tour at KUKA. Please note that guided tours at KUKA will be offered in German and English. Please feel free to bring your own interpreter.


本人授權 KUKA 定期透過電子郵件向本人傳送新聞通訊,並出於此目的根據隱私政策處理本人的個人資料。以及會對送達、開啟和新聞通訊內連結的點擊行為進行評估。本授權可以隨時在將來透過點選新聞通訊中的取消訂閱連結,或者直接聯絡 KUKA 取消。

Firm / Institution

Did you ever have contact to KUKA before?

Have you ever contacted KUKA?

Will minors take part in the factory tour?

Are there any underage participants?

Please note

For minor participants we need the signed insurance confirmation. Please submit the confirmation at least one week before the starting date of your tour to GuidedTours@kuka.com


本人授權 KUKA 出於處理本人所提交的詢問的目的,對上述收集到的資料根據資料保護聲明進行處理。本人可以在將來隨時取消該授權。


* These fields are required