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KUKA sponsors Best Paper Award at annual CURAC Conference

This year marked the seventh time that KUKA sponsored the annual CURAC conference. The 16th annual conference of the German Society for Computer- and Robot-Assisted Surgery (CURAC) took place from 5 - 7 October 2017 in Hanover. The latest developments in surgical treatments with robots were presented and discussed during the conference.

24 October 2017

KUKA makes robot-assisted surgery possible

The use of robots in the medical industry is on the rise. Robots such as the LBR MED, which is cable of human-robot collaboration (HRC), open up entirely new application possibilities. For example, it can be used to assist with endoscopies or biopsies, to saw bones, or for fixing pedicle screws. This makes the robot a useful assistant in the operating room.

KUKA supports research in medical technology

The robot in the role of an operating room assistant is one of many areas where KUKA and CURAC coincide. The society promotes the practical implementation of computer- and robot-assisted surgery in German-speaking countries. The latest development results were presented at the annual conference. KUKA has now supported the event as a sponsor for the 7th time.

For us it is a matter of course to work closely with scientists and researchers and to exchange information regularly. The annual CURAC conference offers the perfect platform for this.

Dr. Cyrill von Tiesenhausen, Business Development Manager Medical Robotics