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Premiere for the LBR iiwa

Hanover, March 25, 2013 – For KUKA AG, the week of April 8 to 12 will be dominated by Hanover Fair. The international player, KUKA will present visitors a typically spectacular booth reflecting the fair's "Integrated Automation" theme. Those attending the fair will also have the opportunity to experience the world premiere of a very special robot: LBR iiwa, KUKA's lightweight robot, which will debut in Hanover.

25 March 2013

KUKA exhibit at Hanover Fair both innovative and visionary

KUKA specializes in systems and robotics. Every other year, the company uses Hanover Fair as a platform to demonstrate its entire product and service portfolio. KUKA Systems, KUKA Robotics and KUKA Laboratories will together showcase innovative automation concepts and solutions at the company's booth in Hanover.

Spectacular show application – dance of the robots 

KUKA will stage a spectacular show featuring its robots using an application that is about six meters high. KUKA's entire robot family will join the party, from the smallest robot, the KR AGILUS, to the largest model, the KR 1000 titan. In total, nineteen machines will dance together in the show application. The KR QUANTEC series, the welding specialists KR 5 arc HW and KR 16 arc HW and the LBR iiwa will all feature in the robot lineup. But the elegant newbie is capable of much more than just dancing, as are all KUKA robots.

LBR iiwa – intelligent, innovative, inspiring 

The LBR iiwa represents the fulfillment of KUKA's promise to the market to present a lightweight industrial duty robot. KUKA engineers have developed a machine that opens the door to completely new automation possibilities. With mechanical and drive systems designed for industrial use, the sensitive and yielding LBR iiwa rings in an entirely new era in robotics. These capabilities are reflected in the new lightweight robot's name: LBR iiwa – intelligent industrial work assistant. KUKA will present four exciting applications for the LBR iiwa at Hanover Fair, all of which will show visitors the sensitive robot's key features.
Die Premiere des KUKA-Roboter LBR-iiwa

KUKA trends – lightweight construction, durability, resource efficiency 

Various applications at the KUKA Competence Center will demonstrate the company's expertise in the growing lightweight construction sector. Visitors will be able to watch live demonstrations of processes such as welding aluminum, joining metal alloys and an induction welding process for joining carbon-fiber composites. Another focal point will be the presentation of the results of the joint research project on energy-efficient car body assembly. The display will show how manufacturing systems and solutions will in future be automated in a sustainable and resource-conserving manner. At another part of the booth, KUKA will present the forming expertise of its machine tool segment. The trend in the forming technology area is also towards lightweight construction, such as processing CFRPs or fiber-reinforced composites. Successfully completed projects for assembling transmissions, engines and drive assemblies have repeatedly demonstrated KUKA's performance capabilities in the area of assembly and testing systems.

Series of presentations at the Business Center located at KUKA's booth

Visitors to Hanover Fair will be able to take home first-hand tips from experts after attending various KUKA presentations. On Thursday, KUKA specialists will hold lectures on topics such as "Energy efficiency in car body assembly systems", "Efficient joining technologies for aluminum parts" and "Virtual startups for manufacturing systems."

We will be presenting everything our Group offers at Hanover Fair: from components to research and development, up to and including complete plant systems. Of course, we are especially proud of the LBR iiwa, the entirely new generation of robots we will unveil at the show.

Dr. Till Reuter, CEO KUKA AG