Recommendation reappropriation of net income and share buyback
The Executive Board and the Supervisory Board of KUKA Aktiengesellschaft resolved on March 18, 2008 to propose to the annual general meeting of KUKA Aktiengesellschaft that it votes in favor of paying a dividend of EUR 1.00 per dividend-bearing share from KUKA Aktiengesellschaft's 2007 financial year net profit.
18 March 2008
Furthermore, on March 18, 2008, the Executive Board of KUKA Aktiengesellschaft resolved in accordance with article 71, para. 1, item 8 of the German Corporation Act (AktG), to exercise the authority granted it at the annual general meeting of May 16, 2007 to buy back own shares and to acquire up to 2,660,000 shares of the company on the open stock market. The amount corresponds to up to 10 percent of current total share capital. The buyback is to take place between March 25, 2008 and August 29, 2008 at the latest, under the direction of a bank, which will be obligated to ensure that the buyback of the shares on the stock market is carried out in accordance with the resolution at the annual general meeting dated May 16, 2007 and the instructions outlined in article 5, para. 1 and 2 of directive (EG) No. 2273/2003.
March 18th, 2008
KUKA Aktiengesellschaft
The Executive Board
March 18th, 2008
KUKA Aktiengesellschaft
The Executive Board