“Just dare” – why stereotypes have no place in apprenticeship
To be among the 20 best dual students in Bavaria – for most an ambitious goal that is almost impossible to achieve. But one KUKA student has managed to do just that: Julia Hermosa, now a Process Manager, is part of Bavaria’s elite with her grade point average of 1.1 (corresponds to an A degree) in the Bachelor’s degree program “Business Information Systems”. In this interview, she tells us how she did it, what advice she would give to others – and why it helped that her first grade in college was a 5 (F).
Julia, you completed your dual studies as one of the 20 best in Bavaria. How did you manage that?
I think there are several reasons. On the one hand, I was lucky with my professors, and on the other hand, as dual students, we already had had a year of training behind us before we started our studies. So I already knew a lot of the content and had an easier time. I also received very good support at KUKA. In the first year alone, I was allowed to take a look at four departments and was always given excellent technical support and prepared for the final exam.
What is it like to do an apprenticeship or dual study program at KUKA?
The helpfulness we received from all sides here impressed me from the beginning. I was allowed to get a taste of any area I liked at any time. And no matter what topic I was dealing with, I always had someone to help me out.
I also liked the fact that we as trainees at KUKA had a lot of freedom. If one of us ever had a bad grade, we didn’t get pressure, but support. Our supervisors would then ask us what the problem was and how they could support us even better in the future. That was really great.
My first grade in the apprenticeship was also a five (F degree). But personally, it made me even more ambitious to step on the gas. I was really grateful that I was selected as a dual student and given a chance here, even though I didn’t have any concrete experience in the field of computer science before.

“Just dare! If you feel like doing something, just do it, no matter what the obstacles are.”
What is it like to do an apprenticeship or dual study program at KUKA?
I can’t say exactly where I’ll be in five years’ time. But I hope that I will still be at KUKA then. In the fall, I’ll be starting a part-time master’s degree program in business information systems. I would then like to go even deeper in the technical direction and soon be the person to contact for all technical questions.
What advice can you give to other trainees and dual students?
Just dare! If you feel like doing something, just do it, no matter what the obstacles are. I would also like to see more women taking up technical professions, even if they are still in the minority. You shouldn’t let yourself be guided by stereotypes here.
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