For a more sustainable future: KUKA adopts global environmental targets
More sustainable products and solutions for our customers - but also continuous improvements in economic, ecological, and social aspects within our own company: KUKA has set itself clear goals for a more sustainable future.
06 فبراير, 2024
The transformation to a greener economy is progressing. As a technology group with a focus on robotics and automation, KUKA enables energy-efficient and resource-saving production. In addition, KUKA is working to improve sustainability within its own company. The KUKA Executive Board has therefore adopted key environmental targets: The main goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from its own business activities ("Scope 1 and 2") by at least 40% globally by 2030 compared to 2022.

As a global automation company, we have a corporate and social responsibility when it comes to energy-efficient and resource-saving products and solutions for our customers, but also to improvements within our own company. We are actively working on changes here and have set ourselves clear goals.
And KUKA has set itself further milestones: By 2030, KUKA wants to significantly improve the energy efficiency of its own sites through targeted measures and generate more electricity from renewable energies itself. In addition, the company car fleet will be completely electrified. Thanks to energy-saving products and solutions as well as circular economy projects such as KUKA | Circle, customers can produce more ressource-efficiently.
KUKA already uses 150 charging stations at its Augsburg site and its headquarters are supplied with environmentally friendly district heating. KUKA was nominated for the German Sustainability Award 2024 for these exemplary ecological and social achievements.