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Under the magnifying glass: 125 years of KUKA

A company, always on the move: In 1898, KUKA was founded in Augsburg as an acetylene gas plant - and has since grown into an international technology group. We have used the anniversary as an opportunity to look at KUKA from all sides. 

Teresa Scheunert
12 أبريل, 2023
وقت القراءة: 2 من الدقائق

A journey through time

KUKA has reinvented itself time and again throughout its 125-year history. Browse through the formative milestones of our history here, with innovations from the Swabian travel typewriter to the Italian garbage truck:

...and meet political greats from all over the world

Not only the former US President Barack Obama or the former German Chancellor Angela Merkel already took a closer look at our robots.  

In 2016, then US President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel visited KUKA at the Hannover Messe.

Members of the European royal families, such as Prince Frederik of Denmark - shown here with a sensitive lightweight robot for medical applications - have also been fascinated by KUKA technologies.

At the European Robotics Forum 2023, Prince Frederik of Denmark saw for himself what robotics can do in the medical field.

5G to IoT: products for megatrends of our time

Megatrends are powerful and they are transforming the economy and society in a sustainable way. They give rise to new structures and business models, and are an indispensable tool in strategic corporate planning. The Internet of Things is just as much a megatrend as artificial intelligence, new types of connectivity or digital transformation. And KUKA? With its solutions for customers around the globe, KUKA is helping to shape these megatrends - in plant engineering as well as in the product business.

The Internet of Things enables smart production.

Just an empty shell: What would KUKA be without employees?

KUKA's most important success factor? The people behind the technologies. More than 15,000 employees in around 50 countries work on KUKA's products, solutions and innovations. And with our outstanding young talents, we don't need to worry about the future. For the birthday, there was a special greeting from KUKAns around the world:

The KUKA anniversary movie

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