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Keep on moving

This is the motto for KUKA's 125th anniversary. No wonder, after all, this is the spirit that has driven the company since day one. And which has turned a twoman operation in Augsburg into a globally operating supplier of advanced automation solutions. That's why KUKA doesn't celebrate itself, but all those who keep moving us forward: the 15,000 "KUKAneers" around the world.

The drive of a start-up for 125 years

Experience the spirit that has characterized KUKA since its founding. The following video provides a current insight. You can see the long way there and which milestones KUKA has set to date in the chapter on the company history. You can learn about the contribution made by employees from different parts of the world in five personal stories. Of course, you will also find all the anniversary events and all the news from the social media channels here.

A short movie about a great movement

Employees from around the world gather to give you five different perspectives of their contribution to KUKA.

Founded in 1898, evolving ever since

The company's 125-year history proves it: The secret of KUKA's success is to keep moving, to keep changing, and to keep reinventing itself in order to once again develop the next big thing. Just like 50 years ago, when KUKA went from being a specialist in welding technology to a specialist in automation solutions with the invention of the world's first industrial robot.

Learn more about our history here.
At KUKA we pride ourselves in continuously evolving
At KUKA we pride ourselves in continuously evolving

One common spirit, six personal perspectives

One common spirit, six personal perspectives
  • Chen Huanyi (Ms.)

    As one of R&D engineers at KUKA, I know that cultural integration is everywhere and changes will happen at any time. Never forget why you started and your mission can be accomplished. Keep on moving. Keep on moving.
  • Polak, Patricia (Ms.)

    Congratulations KUKA!
    I am proud of being part of this Family for 26 years.
    I work at Sales and we are doing our best to exceed our goals for this year and ever.
    Thank you!
  • Comparetti, Mirko (Mr.)

    Programming the robot for the new era. Keep on Moving.
  • Lim boonhooi (Mr.)

    I will keep on providing the best customer services and support in class.
  • Jones, David (Mr.)

    We keep on moving. We‘re creating videos and documentation on how to use great robotic software.
  • Csikósné, Tünde (Ms.)

    I ensure that we keep delivering quality products to our customers.

These events will keep you going during the anniversary year

125 years KUKA

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