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The highly automated, peoplefocused dm-drogerie markt distribution center in Wustermark, Germany

Dm-drogerie markt is Europe's largest drugstore retailer, with more than 80,000 employees in over 4,000 dm stores in 12 countries. The centre in Wustermark, which opened in 2020, is considered a flagship project due to the efficiency and complex interaction of all the technologies used. It was awarded the German Logistics Prize in 2020 and the European Logistics Prize in 2021.

9 December, 2024

dm-drogerie markt realised during earlier construction projects that the capacity limits of the centres were quickly reached due to the growing variety of products and the intense competition. Therefore, the third distribution centre in Wustermark should be automated. Due to the long-standing, successful cooperation with Swisslog and the extensive experience in planning data and software-based automation projects, dm-drogerie markt chose the Swiss company.
In addition to Waghäusel and Weilerswist, Wustermark is the third large-scale facility that Swisslog has implemented for dm-drogerie. In joint workshops, a highly automated concept was developed that would not only increase the efficiency of order picking and productivity in the dm stores, but also relieve the burden on local employees. Swisslog's planning and implementation was based on the principles of ‘integration’, ‘intelligence’ and ‘automation’.

On the trail of goods through the warehouse.

This is what advanced automation looks like at the dm-drogerie markt distribution centre in Wustermark.