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Aid transports from Augsburg for Ukraine

Since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine, many people have become involved in helping those suffering from the war in and from Ukraine. Among them are many KUKA members. We would like to introduce you to one particular project.

Guest author
August 4, 2022
Reading Time: 2 min.

By Wolfgang Meisen

The KUKA-affiliated association "Orange Care" has launched an aid campaign called "Care4U" with its project partners #AuxhelpsUkraine and Nadiya. Relief supplies such as food, medical products and drugstore items are regularly brought in trucks from Augsburg to Slovakia's eastern border.

A well-coordinated team from the Nadiya volunteer aid project then takes over the targeted transport to the Ukrainian cities where the goods are most needed. This establishes a network that can help in the long term and in a very targeted manner.

Volunteers distribute relief supplies where they are needed most. 

This is deliberately not done by a large donation organization, but by an association of committed volunteers from the region.

Supported by KUKA's logistics team led by Markus Hirschmann and Hans Kornmann, the first truck left Augsburg for Slovakia at the end of June.
#AuxhelpsUkraine supports Orange Care in organizing relief supplies and arranged contact with the Nadiya initiative.   

#AuxhelpsUkraine is a coalition of friends and neighbors from Augsburg who set out immediately after the war began to bring relief supplies to Ukraine and refugees with them to Germany.

Andreas Leitschuh and Martin Sedlmayer, the initiators of #AuxhelpsUkraine, provide Orange Care with advice and support when it comes to organizing relief supplies and arranged contact with Nadiya.


Helping where help is needed: All project participants act independently and on a voluntary basis. 
Nadiya is an initiative that was also founded by volunteers and organizes the onward transport of relief goods through the Green Corridor to Ukraine at the Slovak-Ukrainian border. All project participants act independently and on a voluntary basis.

How you can help 

Anyone and everyone can participate in the form of donations. Every euro helps. 

Orange Care e.V. has set up the following donation account. With your donation, urgently needed material goods will be purchased and then transported to Slovakia, where the Nadiya project will take care of the onward transport to Ukraine. Please indicate the project name "Care4U" on the bank transfer. Since further projects are planned, it is important to be able to allocate your donation. A donation receipt can be issued upon request. For this purpose, please indicate your name and address in the "reason for payment" or send an e-mail to:

Donation account
Recipient: Orange Care e.V.
IBAN: DE24 7315 0000 0031 1169 57
Name of institute: Sparkasse Schwaben-Bodensee
Intended purpose: Care4U
Name and address for donation receipt (optional and voluntary)

A new start in Augsburg

KUKA and the City of Augsburg's coordination office work closely together, and several of our employees took in refugees in their private homes. However, KUKA's commitment to helping Ukrainian refugees goes even further: as early as May, the first refugees were able to find jobs in KUKA robot production

Plans and perspectives for the future

The KUKA Training Center hosted very special days in June: 19 young people from Ukraine immersed themselves in the world of KUKA – including robot training and insights into pneumatics, mechanics and electrics.  

Getting to know robotics technology, a change from their new daily routine and meeting their peers – that's how Manfred Schußmann, Head of the training center, sums up the goals of the taster days. He is the initiator of the project, which took place for the first time here from June 7 to 10. "We wanted to set up something that imparts knowledge and is fun," explains Schußmann. "At the same time, the taster days also open up possible prospects for a future in Germany."
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