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Welcome to KUKA College Austria

Find out more about our KUKA course offering in the Austria region according to international quality standards - individually tailored to your needs.

Das hauseigene KUKA College in Steyregg, bietet Kurse für Anlagenbediener, Servicemitarbeiter, Instandhalter, Programmierer, Zellenplaner und -konstrukteure, aber auch für Schüler, Studenten oder Neueinsteiger. Informieren Sie sich über unser Kursangebot.

Das KUKA College in Steyregg ist mit insgesamt 7 Roboterzellen ausgestattet und bietet die Möglichkeit Trainings parallel anzubieten. Der hohe praktische Übungsanteil sowie der modulare Aufbau der Seminare, ermöglicht eine schrittweise Weiterqualifizierung der Teilnehmer nach zertifizierten Qualitätsstandards. Jeder Teilnehmer schließt das KUKA College Seminar mit einer Prüfung ab.


Seminar catalogue

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KUKA College Steyregg, Austria

KUKA Student BASIC Training Program

The KUKA Student BASIC Concept focuses on basic training in the field of automation and aims to train apprentices in the use of robots. The concept includes the essential building blocks of robotics.
  • Robot

    The KUKA ready2_educate training cell is perfect for robot training. It has been specially designed for schools, universities and company training centers.

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  • Training

    In the KUKA Student BASIC training program the participant is taught the basics for operating and programming the KUKA robot system. Exercise examples and training documents are available.

  • Examination

    The course ends with a certificate of achievement. After successful completion of the couse, a KUKA Student BASIC certificate is issued.

  • Certified Training

    By earning the KUKA Student Certificate, graduates qualify for further courses at KUKA College.

Robotics for managers

A modern manager is characterized by a variety of skills. For a company, technical and organizational competence are important factors in addition to assertiveness and empathy.


With the "Certified program" Robotics for Executives, the Upper Austrian University of Applied Science Campus Wels and KUKA offer a unique opportunity to increase your skills in the field of robotics as a manager at university level. By awarding ECTS points, you can also use "Certified programs" for an ongoing or planned study at the FH OÖ Campus Wels


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