Welcome to KUKA College Austria
Find out more about our KUKA course offering in the Austria region according to international quality standards - individually tailored to your needs.
Das hauseigene KUKA College in Steyregg, bietet Kurse für Anlagenbediener, Servicemitarbeiter, Instandhalter, Programmierer, Zellenplaner und -konstrukteure, aber auch für Schüler, Studenten oder Neueinsteiger. Informieren Sie sich über unser Kursangebot.
Das KUKA College in Steyregg ist mit insgesamt 7 Roboterzellen ausgestattet und bietet die Möglichkeit Trainings parallel anzubieten. Der hohe praktische Übungsanteil sowie der modulare Aufbau der Seminare, ermöglicht eine schrittweise Weiterqualifizierung der Teilnehmer nach zertifizierten Qualitätsstandards. Jeder Teilnehmer schließt das KUKA College Seminar mit einer Prüfung ab.

Courses offered at KUKA College in Steyregg
Course Robot Operation 1
The aim of the seminar is to acquire all the skills needed to safely operate a KUKA robot. Safety in handling robots, basics about the structure of a robot system as well as the manual movement of the robot are taught in this course. Learn more.
Course Roboter Operation PRO
The aim of the seminar is to acquire all the skills needed to safely operate a KUKA robot. Changing and adapting existing or copied robot programs is learned as well as reading and understanding different program commands. Learn more.
Course Robot Programming 1
The aim of the seminar is to acquire the basic skills necessary for programming a KUKA robot. Creating programmed movements, using logical functions and successful programming in KRL are taught in this seminar. Learn more.
Course Robot Programming 2
The aim of the seminar is to learn advanced programming skills in the high-level language KUKA KRL. Working with the WorkVisual development environment, structured programming with KUKA KRL and recognising and avoiding robot collisions are taught in this course. Learn more.
Upgrade Robot Operation and Programming
The aim of this seminar is to provide robot programmers with several years of experience with the necessary knowledge to program KUKA robots using the teach-in method and KUKA KRL. Human-machine communication, the structure of a robot system and the handling of program files are taught in this course. Learn more.
KUKA Student Basic
The aim of this seminar is to teach pupils and students in technical courses, professions and branches of study the basics of operating and programming a KUKA robot. The structure and function of a KUKA robot, handling program files and creating movement commands are taught in this course. Learn more.
Course KR C4 Basics for Integrators
The aim of this seminar is to teach the participants the basics of commissioning, operating and programming the KUKA robot system. Compared to the seminar "Robot Programming 1", there is a greater focus on the commissioning of the robot system and the configuration of fieldbuses via the KUKA WorkVisual software. Learn more.
Course Service Electric
The aim of this seminar is to teach the participants the basics of professional fault diagnosis and troubleshooting for the electrical system of the KR C4 robot system. Commissioning activities on the robot, basic knowledge about the structure of KR C4-based controllers and troubleshooting are taught in this course. Learn more.
Course Mechanical Servicing QUANTEC
The aim of this seminar is to teach the participants the basics for proper maintenance and repair work on robot mechanics from the KR series. Learn more.
Selection and Integration of Robots
The aim of this seminar is to teach participants the basics of robot selection, mechanical, electrical and software integration, as well as the basic processes involved in designing a safety-compliant robot cell. Learn more.
The KUKA College Austria Team
We are at your disposal for any questions!
Phone: +43 732 784 752
Email: college.at@kuka.com
Opening Hours:
Mo - Th: 08:00 - 17:00
Friday: 08:00 - 12:30