اختر موقعك:


Contact KUKA

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You are logged in to my.KUKA, so the form has already been pre-filled with your stored data. You have the option to change this data as you wish.

  • KUKA Robotics UK Ltd
    Great Western Street
    WS10 7LL Wednesbury
    المملكة المتحدة
    +44 121 505 9970
  • KUKA Systems UK Limited
    Hereward Rise
    B62 8AN Halesowen
    المملكة المتحدة
    +44 121 5850 800
  • KUKA Aktiengesellschaft
    Zugspitzstraße 140
    86165 Augsburg


Data privacy clauses

I hereby consent to the data collected above being processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy for processing my request. This consent may be withdrawn at any time with future effect.

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