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Facts, not allegations

In an interview with the newspaper Euro am Sonntag leading up to the annual general meeting of IWKA Aktiengesellschaft, Mr. Wyser Pratte created the impression that he has received a commitment from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) that the authority would not intervene on the the basis of the concept of acting in concert

3 juin 2005

IWKA has obtained a letter from Bafin dated June 2, 2005 that contradicts this allegation. The letter states that there have been no prior deliberations with Mr. Wyser Pratte regarding IWKA's annual general meeting to be held on June 3,2005. In particular, no questions regarding the issue of acting in concert werediscussed with him.

The exact wording of the letter from BaFin reads: "I am therefore unable to confirm the statement made by Mr. Wyser-Pratte in the interview with Euro am Sonntag on May 27, 2005 (...BaFin has already told us they don't consider us acting in concert)".

Furthermore, in interviews on May 27, 2005 and June 2, 2005, Mr. Wyser Prattealleged that IWKA's quarterly financials, particularly those of the Robot Technology Division, had been manipulated. A reputable chartered accounting firm has reviewed IWKA's 2005 first-quarter accounts for the Robot Technology Division. This review confirms IWKA's published figures.

Mr. Wyser Pratte has held several interviews with the press making these andother claims and allegations in an attempt to influence the voting behavior of the shareholders in his favor. IWKA Aktiengesellschaft's Executive Board strongly rejects these actions and reserves the right to take legal action.