KUKA Sunrise.OS Med
Take control of medical robotics with KUKA: the KUKA Sunrise.OS Med operating system for the LBR Med is specially designed for easy programming of medical applications. This opens up numerous possibilities.
Specially tailored to medical robotics thanks to certifications
Based on Java 8 and Windows 10, KUKA Sunrise.OS Med 2.6 offers easy access to high-end robotics. At the same time, the system software meets the requirements of IEC 62304:2006 (first edition) + A1:2015. The KUKA Sunrise.HRC Med safety option that is included enables the functions required for the implementation of collaborative human-robot applications in accordance with Performance Level d Category 3 EN ISO 13849-1:2015.
Safe collaboration between robots and medical personnel
KUKA Sunrise.BrakeHandling Med
KUKA Sunrise.FRI Med
Setting the pace: KUKA Sunrise.FRI Med is the “Fast Robot Interface” that enables communication with the robot controller from an external computer in real time. At the same time, each axis position of the robot can be determined in milliseconds.
- Controlled access to joint positions, joint torque and Cartesian positions on the x, y and z axes (1 to 100 milliseconds)
- Commanding of axis positions, axis-specific torques as well as Cartesian poses
- C++ Software Development Kit for external computers
- Application scenarios: camera-based and collision-free path planning, machine learning
KUKA Sunrise.IncreasedStiffness Med
Unwavering: KUKA Sunrise.IncreasedStiffness Med is a control mode that optimizes the stiffness of the robot arm for reduced payloads and workspaces. The stiffness of the robot (control parameters) is automatically adapted according to the load data of the device defined by the customer:
- Compatible with basic robot motion commands (such as PTP, LIN, CIRC, CP Spline, JP Spline, PositionHold)
- Compatible with Servoing, FRI, basic robot motion types
- Does not affect the safety configuration or the monitoring of forces and torques
- Activation and deactivation of the control mode possible within the customer application
KUKA Sunrise.PreciseHandGuiding Med
A hands-on approach: the KUKA Sunrise.PreciseHandGuiding Med option package enables new and precise manual guidance with the possibility of presetting specific restrictions at the same time. This allows, for example, specific motions of the integrated robot to be inhibited – such as those during a knee operation in which a saw only works in a defined plane.
- Rotation about a defined tool center point
- Motion within a plane (defined as one of the planes in a coordinate system)
- Motion along an axis (defined as one of the axes of the tool coordinate system)
- Motion with a fixed tool orientation
- Customers can set individual robot parameters for manual guidance (motion resistance and breakaway torque)
- Intuitive behavior of the elbow during manual guidance
- Limitation of the velocity of the axes
- Limitation of the Cartesian velocity of the robot
- Option of setting axis limits
KUKA Sunrise.Servoing Med
Complete information at a glance: The KUKA Sunrise.Servoing Med 2.0 option package is an interface for programming the SmartServo and SmartServoLin motion types. These motion types allow the end position to be changed with a smooth transition during a programmed motion of the robot. This means, for example, that it is possible to react to an emergency situation with an immediate evasive motion.
- Non-deterministic, soft real-time applications can be implemented in order to correct a robot path quickly
- Servo motions can be used to command new end positions during the robot motion
- SmartServo sets joint-specific and Cartesian end positions that are addressed along the quickest path
- SmartServoLin sets Cartesian end positions: these end positions are addressed with a linear motion
- SmartServo and SmartServoLin enable jerk-limited paths with fast destination setting
KUKA Sunrise.CollisionAvoidance Med
Collision avoidance KUKA Sunrise.CollsionAvoidance Med and KUKA Sunrise.CollisionFreePath Med.
Both C++ libraries can be run on an external Windows system and used for offline path planning. Scenario planning takes into account multiple obstacles in the workspace of up to two LBR Med. Robots and scenario data are imported via 3D models. As a result of path planning, a visualization of the preconfigured scene, the position of the robot and the planned movement is available.
For a given setup, the necessary path points of a collision-free path are calculated
For this purpose, the user specifies a start and end pose.
KUKA Sunrise.CollisionFreePath Med
Collision avoidance KUKA Sunrise.CollsionAvoidance Med and KUKA Sunrise.CollisionFreePath Med
Both C++ libraries can be run on an external Windows system and used for offline path planning. Scenario planning takes into account multiple obstacles in the workspace of up to two LBR Med. Robots and scenario data are imported via 3D models. As a result of the path planning, a visualization of the preconfigured scene, the position of the robot and the planned movement is available.
Two use cases are supported by the KUKA Sunrise.CollisionFreePath Med:
Generation of collision-free PTP paths based on the path points from KUKA Sunrise.CollisionAvoidance Med. The specified velocity and acceleration limits are taken into account during path generation.
Generation of Cartesian paths (LIN/LINREL with/without overloops, CIRC) based on the given velocity and acceleration limits. Collisions in Cartesian movements can be avoided by using redundancy optimization to move the elbow away from obstacles.